Paper, Laptop, and Books Oh My! Changing Mediums to Defeat Writer’s Block

Sometimes you can hit a sudden, unmovable wall with your writing. Rather than let the dreaded writing block set in, this post offers a simple yet effective solution that may just help.

Burning the Thesaurus: When to Use ‘Better’ Words

Which is better? Utilising elongated lexicon in the pursuit of fabricating an erudite narrative presentation within your literary creation?

Or keeping a clarity to your writing by using ‘better’ words sparingly?

Seeing Through Your Character’s Eyes: Writing what a Character Perceives

Through the narrator, you can convey a sense of the character, their personality, their background, as well as what’s important to them. By considering these things, you can produce an interesting voice for your story, one that enraptures your audience.

Dreams and Storytelling: How to avoid your use of dreams becoming a nightmare!

Dreams have long been a staple of storytelling, and they can help to delve into the psyche of a character and see how they are feeling. Dreams can also allow for more surreal types of storytelling, with them not being bound by the reality that the main plot takes place in. However, the use ofContinue reading “Dreams and Storytelling: How to avoid your use of dreams becoming a nightmare!”

How to Increase your Story’s Stakes

One of the most important components of a story are the stakes, they are the hook that catches your reader and keeps them invested. This post explores stakes within the story and how you can gradually increase them throughout the narrative.

Drafting, A Positive Experience

You’ve done it, you’ve finished the story and surmounted the mountain of words… now what?
Editing can be disheartening, sometimes embarrassing, and a lot of work, but it can help you improve your skills as a writer and make your story shine!

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