Moral Dissonance: Writing Characters that Morally Oppose You

There is an inevitability with writing that you will write a character that you morally disagree with. This can end up being a difficult task as it goes against your nature.

Paper, Laptop, and Books Oh My! Changing Mediums to Defeat Writer’s Block

Sometimes you can hit a sudden, unmovable wall with your writing. Rather than let the dreaded writing block set in, this post offers a simple yet effective solution that may just help.

It’s Okay Not To Write

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your writing is not writing for a while.
Today’s post is one of support for all those who aren’t writing at the moment, whether by their own choice or not.

Burning the Thesaurus: When to Use ‘Better’ Words

Which is better? Utilising elongated lexicon in the pursuit of fabricating an erudite narrative presentation within your literary creation?

Or keeping a clarity to your writing by using ‘better’ words sparingly?

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