Moral Dissonance: Writing Characters that Morally Oppose You

There is an inevitability with writing that you will write a character that you morally disagree with. This can end up being a difficult task as it goes against your nature.

Paper, Laptop, and Books Oh My! Changing Mediums to Defeat Writer’s Block

Sometimes you can hit a sudden, unmovable wall with your writing. Rather than let the dreaded writing block set in, this post offers a simple yet effective solution that may just help.

It’s Almost (Camp)NaNoWriMo Time!

It’s almost time for Camp NaNoWriMo! This year we at 2pen are once again determined to create a new story motivated by this wonderful free challenge. We’d love for you to join in, so in this post we explain what the challenge is, Sarah’s idea, and share some tips!

Writing Children

Writing children can be quite difficult, especially since it is likely you’re not the same age as them. However, there are ways to overcome this potential barrier and write engaging young characters who are more than just a doll.

It’s Okay Not To Write

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your writing is not writing for a while.
Today’s post is one of support for all those who aren’t writing at the moment, whether by their own choice or not.

Burning the Thesaurus: When to Use ‘Better’ Words

Which is better? Utilising elongated lexicon in the pursuit of fabricating an erudite narrative presentation within your literary creation?

Or keeping a clarity to your writing by using ‘better’ words sparingly?

Seeing Through Your Character’s Eyes: Writing what a Character Perceives

Through the narrator, you can convey a sense of the character, their personality, their background, as well as what’s important to them. By considering these things, you can produce an interesting voice for your story, one that enraptures your audience.

How to Increase your Story’s Stakes

One of the most important components of a story are the stakes, they are the hook that catches your reader and keeps them invested. This post explores stakes within the story and how you can gradually increase them throughout the narrative.

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