I do believe introductions are in order

Good morning, afternoon, evening or good night to all of you who have stumbled upon us. It is wonderful to electronically meet you and as with all meetings I feel we both should introduce ourselves.

I am Sarah and this is David. We’ve known each other for the majority of our lives, obnoxiously following each other throughout school. Our friendship is legally allowed to drink. We were, and are, quirky, if you haven’t noticed from my writing style. Two strange little people trying to navigate this hurtling space bowling ball.

Both of us aspire to the great lofty heights of authorship and this blog is a way for us to practice our literary abilities. (Also it’ll stop me, Sarah, from procrastinating). That it will as an outlet for the things we do and see and read, for us to shout into the void of the internet and maybe hear a whispered reply.

We’ll be posting weekly, in an alternating fashion on Mondays at 4 pm (UK time). So on Monday, David will be the author and the week after the post will be written by Sarah. This may change ever so slightly as we figure out what we’re actually doing and how best this blog will work for both of us. We’ll let you know if there are any changes.

The majority of our posts will be thoughts on things from books to films, maybe a video game too, or just general reflections on the things we’ve experienced and done in the past two weeks. Poetry or fiction pieces we write we’ll be uploading too, as well as some possible extras (that we’ll talk about a bit more when we’ve pinned down what exactly these will be).

Thank you for reading, and we really hope to see you again soon on the journey we’re beginning!
-David & Sarah šŸ˜€

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